Seismo-at-School in Nepal


The 27th National Earthquake Safety Day Celebration

Celebrating the 27th National Earthquake Safety Day 2081, Seismology at School in Nepal collaborated with the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology to present the ‘Earthquake Learning Exhibition.’ The exhibition highlighted several modules from Seismology at School, covering essential topics like earthquake preparedness, guidelines for before, during, and after an[…]

John Maddox Judge Commendation Award 2024

Our Chairman, Dr. Shiba Subedi, has been honored with the Special Judge Commendation title in The John Maddox Prize 2024, a prestigious joint initiative by Nature and Sense about Science. This award is given to individuals who exemplify courage and integrity in their commitment to sound science and evidence. The[…]

Local earthquake monitoring with a low-cost seismometers

Seismic monitoring matters both for research and for populations living in areas of seismic hazard; however, it comes with a cost that is not fully affordable for developing countries. Compared to classical approaches with very quiet sites and high-quality instrumentation, it is therefore worth investigating low-cost seismic networks and how[…]

The 2024 International Workshop for Teachers

The Seismology at School in Nepal has successfully organized the 4th International Workshop on Educational Seismology on April 6 – 8, 2024, in Lakeside, Pokhara, with the main theme of preparing for future earthquakes. The event was organized by SASIN with the support of University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and Nepal[…]

4th International Workshop on Educational Seismology

We are organizing the 4th  International Workshop on Educational Seismology as part of the ‘Seismology-at-School in Nepal’ program for earthquake education in Nepal. We have been organizing workshops for teachers since 2019 and teachers have been getting knowledge about the earthquake, its cause, its consequences, and their preparation. We would like to invite[…]

Postcard contest result announcement

On the 26th National Earthquake Safety Day, we organized a High School level POSTCARD ART CONTEST with the theme: Living with earthquakes in Nepal. We have received more than 30 postcards for the contest and we carefully evaluate them to select the best artworks. Thank you very much all for[…]