Seismo-at-School in Nepal


Hindu article features in temblor

Our review article on the Representation of Earthquakes in Hindu Religion was published earlier in Frontiers in Communication, an open-access journal. Recently, feature news about the article is published in Temblor. It is a good summary for all audiences who wish to understand religious beliefs regarding the source of shaking in ancient[…]

Earthquake and Hindu religion paper

Our review paper on The Representation of Earthquakes in Hindu Religion: A Literature Review to Improve Educational Communications in Nepal is just published in Frontiers in Communication. The paper summaries earthquake-related findings available in Hindu literature. The figure below is showing the Earth is holding by a special snake (Sheshnaag)[…]

Gorkha earthquake memorial day

On the occasion of the 6th Memorial Day of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, we have involved in two different activities.An article written by our program leader, Dr. Shiba Subedi, about lessons learned from the Gorkha earthquake has been published in a very popular national daily newspaper in Nepal, Kantipur daily[…]

Thirty seismometers in school

The total number of seismometer installed in schools under the framework of Seismology at school in Nepal program, reached 30 adding the newly installed 8 seismometers. Out of 30, twenty-two sensors were installed during the 2019 summer. The program has been running since 2018 to raise earthquake awareness and to[…]

Earthquake Awareness Song released

With the aim of reaching all age groups of people in Nepal to raise their earthquake awareness and to prepare them for future earthquakes, we have prepared an Earthquake Awareness Song. Program Director Prof. György Hetényi developed the idea and then the song was written and composed by Shiba Subedi,[…]

A crowdfunding campaign started

After very successful first phase of the program, seismology at school in Nepal, we have launched a fundraising campaign for the second phase of the program mainly to extend the network in the remaining part of the country. Our aim is to purchase further low-cost sensors to be installed in[…]